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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000134Medieval EngineersEnhancementpublic2024-01-26 23:50
Reporterequinox Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version0.7.5 (unreleased) 
Summary0000134: Improve Runtime Model Modding Support

Currently mods have no way to cleanup runtime models when they are done using them, update existing runtime models, use a non-preexisting material for a runtime model, or create LODs for runtime models.
Runtime models are a great way to handle highly varying, but simple, geometry (hanging ropes, tarps, tents, etc) without the overhead of a full armature.
Additionally vertex positions for runtime models use half precision position packing, which can pretty easily cause unfortunate precision issues for larger meshes.

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parent of 0000135 resolvedequinox Add support for dynamic runtime models to AddRuntimeModel  


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-02-13 04:04 equinox New Issue
2022-02-13 04:12 equinox Description Updated
2022-02-13 04:14 equinox Relationship added parent of 0000135
2022-11-16 17:44 equinox Target Version => 0.7.5 (unreleased)
2024-01-26 23:50 equinox Description Updated