View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000261Medieval EngineersBugpublic2022-04-18 10:18
Reporteroffron Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000261: Complete Crash Crashes my PC aswell

Titel says it all.

No Alt F4 or similar works.

I updated drivers, checked Ram, reinstalled game etc.
Neither the Log nor the Windows eventviewer show anything.

Seems only to happen with ME CE

Steps To Reproduce

Happens at Random

TagsNo tags attached.



2022-04-18 10:18


MedievalEngineers.log (302,553 bytes)   
2020-05-16 05:38:27.216|Main Thread> Log Started
2020-05-16 05:38:27.218|Main Thread> Timezone (local - UTC): 3h
2020-05-16 05:38:27.221|Main Thread> VRage Engine v2.7
2020-05-16 05:38:27.222|Main Thread> Medieval Engineers v0.7.2.8CBFD2
2020-05-16 05:38:27.225|Main Thread> Loading...
2020-05-16 05:38:27.318|Main Thread> Performing start-up memory test...
2020-05-16 05:38:27.321|Main Thread>    Physical memory is 17,142,968,320 bytes.
2020-05-16 05:38:27.321|Main Thread>    Minimum requirement is 8,000,000,000 bytes.
2020-05-16 05:38:27.321|Main Thread>    System meets minimum memory requirements.
2020-05-16 05:38:27.327|Main Thread> Info: Official
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Info: Non Obfuscated
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Info: Installed in Steam Directory
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Info: Manifest Not Present
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Environment.ProcessorCount: 4
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\MedievalEngineers.exe"
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (528049)
2020-05-16 05:38:27.330|Main Thread> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> CPU Info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> CPU Frequency: 3408
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> IntPtr.Size: 8
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> Default Culture: 
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> Default UI Culture: 
2020-05-16 05:38:27.502|Main Thread> IsAdmin: False
2020-05-16 05:38:27.505|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:27.506|Main Thread>    Path: C:\Users\Alin\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\MedievalEngineers.cfg
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    RotationHints: False
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    DebugInputs: Sandbox.Engine.Utils.ConfigDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData]
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    Language: 0
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ControlsJoystickName: Disabled
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GameVersion:
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    FirstTimeRun: False
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GDPRConsent: False
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GDPRConsent_Sent: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    VideoAdapter: 0
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ScreenWidth: 1920
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ScreenHeight: 1080
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    RefreshRate: 60000
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    WindowMode: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    VerticalSync: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    FieldOfView: 85
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    VegetationViewDistance: 100
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GrassDensity: 0.5
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GrassDistance: 150
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    AmbientOcclusion: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    TerrainLodQuality: 2
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ShadingQuality: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ModelQuality: 2
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    LowMemSwitchToLow: 0
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    ShadowMapResolution: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    TextureQuality: 2
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    AnisotropicFiltering: 4
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    CaptureMouse: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    MinimalHud: False
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    MutedPlayers: 
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    GameVolume: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    MusicVolume: 0
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    VoiceChatVolume: 1
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    VoiceChat: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread>    EnableAdvancedAudio: True
2020-05-16 05:38:27.524|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:27.713|Main Thread> Loading Metadata...
2020-05-16 05:38:28.700|Main Thread> Metadata Loaded is 0.9880968 seconds.
2020-05-16 05:38:28.700|Main Thread> Initializing...
2020-05-16 05:38:28.787|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsActive: True
2020-05-16 05:38:28.788|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsOnline: True
2020-05-16 05:38:28.788|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.OwnsGame: False
2020-05-16 05:38:28.788|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserId: 76561198842118078
2020-05-16 05:38:28.788|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserName: Goose
2020-05-16 05:38:28.788|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.Branch: default
2020-05-16 05:38:28.800|Main Thread>Havok> Physics.Init
2020-05-16 05:38:28.809|Main Thread>Havok> Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2020-05-16 05:38:28.815|Main Thread>Havok> Info: HkGameName: MedievalEngineers Release
2020-05-16 05:38:29.585|Worker Default 2>AccessListBatch> Warning: While processing AllowNamespace System.Collections.Generic.ListExtensions: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2020-05-16 05:38:31.081|Main Thread> AdapterInfo = {
2020-05-16 05:38:31.081|Main Thread>    Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti + DISPLAY1
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Description = dev id: 7298, mem: 4213178368, shared mem: 8571484160, Luid: 40432, rev: 161, subsys id: 478286046, vendor id: 4318
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Driver version =
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Driver date = 20200403000000.000000-000
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    DriverUpdateNecessary = False
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Adapter id = 0
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Supported = True
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    RAM = 4213178368
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Priority = 2
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Multithreaded rendering supported = True
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Output is attached = True
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    Display modes = {
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       DXGIOutput id = 0
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       624x464@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       640x480@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x480@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       720x576@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       800x600@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1024x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1152x864@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1176x664@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x720@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x800@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x960@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1280x1024@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1360x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1366x768@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1440x900@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x900@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1600x1024@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1680x1050@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1768x992@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@60Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@50Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@59.94Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>       1920x1080@59.94006Hz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread>    }
2020-05-16 05:38:31.082|Main Thread> }
2020-05-16 05:38:31.132|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.132|Main Thread>    Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2020-05-16 05:38:31.132|Main Thread>    Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Content
2020-05-16 05:38:31.133|Main Thread> Info:    Detected 4 logical CPU cores, using up to 4 for asynchronous workers.
2020-05-16 05:38:31.304|Main Thread> Info:    Worker Configuration {
	Total: 3,
	Default: Logic
	Groups: [
		Group Background, BelowNormal, 1 Workers,
		Group Logic, Normal, 1 Workers,
		Group Render, AboveNormal, 1 Workers
2020-05-16 05:38:31.310|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread>    Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7349.20659, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread>    Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7349.20659, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread>    Assembly.Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread>    Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319
2020-05-16 05:38:31.313|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END
2020-05-16 05:38:31.315|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.325|Main Thread>    Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: MSI
2020-05-16 05:38:31.325|Main Thread>    Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: MS-7A70
2020-05-16 05:38:31.325|Main Thread>    Virtualized: False
2020-05-16 05:38:31.329|Main Thread>    Environment.ProcessorName: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz
2020-05-16 05:38:31.329|Main Thread>    ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 17,142,968,320 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.329|Main Thread>    ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.329|Main Thread>    ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 13,515,849,728 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.329|Main Thread>    ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,732,121,075,712 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.332|Main Thread>    Drive C: | Capacity: 511,464,960,000 bytes | Free space: 236,880,965,632 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.332|Main Thread>    Drive D: | Capacity: 576,123,301,888 bytes | Free space: 312,945,332,224 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.332|Main Thread>    Drive E: | Capacity: 422,858,190,848 bytes | Free space: 144,473,882,624 bytes
2020-05-16 05:38:31.333|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END
2020-05-16 05:38:31.339|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.508|Main Thread>    MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.510|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.510|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:31.510|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:32.438|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:32.657|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:32.657|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:32.663|Main Thread>       MyAudio.LoadData - START
2020-05-16 05:38:32.724|Main Thread>          MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (2- USB PnP Audio Device) - Channel #: 2
2020-05-16 05:38:32.760|Main Thread>       MyAudio.LoadData - END
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudUse'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudRotateBlock'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceBlock'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudDeleteBlock'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudColorBlock'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'PlayDropItem'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocInventoryFull'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocMeteorInbound'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthLow'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthCritical'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'None'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyLow'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelLow'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelLow'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyCrit'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelCrit'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelCrit'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyNo'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelNo'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelNo'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudCraftBarProgressLoop'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenCraftWin'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenInventory'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'PlayTakeItem'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceItem'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'QuestCompleted'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.769|Main Thread> Warning:       Could not find any sound for 'QuestStepCompleted'
2020-05-16 05:38:32.772|Main Thread>       MyGuiManager()
2020-05-16 05:38:32.836|Main Thread>       MyScreenManager()
2020-05-16 05:38:32.941|Main Thread>       MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:34.164|Main Thread>          MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2020-05-16 05:38:34.165|Main Thread>          MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:34.165|Main Thread>       MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:34.333|Main Thread>    MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:34.397|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2020-05-16 05:38:34.398|Worker Logic 0>     Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\Alin\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198842118078'
2020-05-16 05:38:34.405|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2020-05-16 05:38:35.574|Main Thread>    Analytics uuid: 82c16ce0-7921-46ef-ae31-4aab077e044e
2020-05-16 05:38:35.574|Main Thread>    Analytics session: 0
2020-05-16 05:38:35.574|Main Thread>    Analytics helper process start reported
2020-05-16 05:38:35.578|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2020-05-16 05:38:35.583|Main Thread> All systems initialized in 6.8824998 seconds.
2020-05-16 05:38:35.593|Main Thread> Timer Frequency: 10000000
2020-05-16 05:38:35.593|Main Thread> Ticks per frame: 167364
2020-05-16 05:38:35.617|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2020-05-16 05:38:35.618|Worker Logic 0>     Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\Alin\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198842118078'
2020-05-16 05:38:35.618|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2020-05-16 05:38:39.572|Main Thread> Requesting dedicated servers
2020-05-16 05:38:39.572|Main Thread> Requesting worlds, only compatible: True
2020-05-16 05:38:39.945|Main Thread> Enumerate worlds successful.
2020-05-16 05:38:41.716|Main Thread> Info: Joining server ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7:
2020-05-16 05:38:43.552|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:45.559|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:46.498|Main Thread> Lobby join response: True, enter state: Success
2020-05-16 05:38:46.499|Main Thread> World requested
2020-05-16 05:38:46.505|Main Thread> World requested - connection alive
2020-05-16 05:38:46.586|Main Thread> World requested - preemble received
2020-05-16 05:38:47.567|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:48.339|Main Thread> First world part received
2020-05-16 05:38:49.576|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:51.585|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:53.593|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:55.601|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:56.409|Main Thread> World download progress status: Success, 1
2020-05-16 05:38:56.411|Main Thread> 
2020-05-16 05:38:56.411|Main Thread> LoadSession() - Start
2020-05-16 05:38:56.520|Worker Logic 0> Downloading world mods - START
2020-05-16 05:38:56.525|Worker Logic 0>    MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 78 items
2020-05-16 05:38:57.099|Main Thread> Mod query successful
2020-05-16 05:38:57.100|Worker Logic 0> Downloading world mods - END
2020-05-16 05:38:57.107|Worker Logic 0> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 6 items
2020-05-16 05:38:57.619|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:38:57.855|Main Thread> Mod query successful
2020-05-16 05:38:57.855|Worker Logic 0> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 1 items
2020-05-16 05:38:58.205|Main Thread> Mod query successful
2020-05-16 05:38:58.223|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1367411991, title = 'Equinox Core'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.225|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1374827092, title = 'Rails Core'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.225|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1374827328, title = 'Rails Shared Assets'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.226|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1374827624, title = 'Rails Wood'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.226|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1411125476, title = 'Rails Steel'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.226|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 2064272687, title = 'Reinforced Materials'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.227|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1367181070, title = 'Player Attachment Pose Library'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.227|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1780219439, title = 'A World of Ice & Fire'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.228|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1293431501, title = 'AI Defenders'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.228|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 931508706, title = 'The Trading Post'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.229|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1506966775, title = 'Bamboo Craft (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.229|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1932827113, title = 'EasternArchitecture'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.229|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1682567754, title = 'Spyglass'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.230|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1720792908, title = 'Medieval Spires (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.230|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1690853995, title = 'Additional Railings (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.234|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1668780689, title = 'Automated Torches'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.235|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1655509249, title = 'Intrinsic Glass (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.236|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1591937068, title = 'Tracery (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.236|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1543743716, title = 'Gate Walls (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.237|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1411125619, title = 'Rail Bogies'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.238|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1534495186, title = 'Rails Modpack'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.238|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1510019093, title = 'Chicken Coop (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.239|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1460979100, title = 'Ranged Weapons Racks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.239|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1473195374, title = 'Cobble House (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.240|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1413611773, title = 'Stick Gate (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.240|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1381441306, title = 'Crafting Desk (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.241|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1317514193, title = 'Variety Timber (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.241|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1303531886, title = 'Hand Crafted Stove (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.242|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1289910734, title = 'Tavern Mod'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.242|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1371540334, title = 'Advanced Beekeeping [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.243|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1276126447, title = 'Brick Blocks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.243|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1688423921, title = 'Soil Graders'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.244|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1117834817, title = 'Animated-Botany (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.244|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1681205636, title = '[0.7.1] Gothic Architecture & More'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.244|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1678577417, title = 'AdditionalArches'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.245|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1662863049, title = 'Archway Intersections (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.245|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1476476779, title = 'Spiral Stairs+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.245|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1299080198, title = 'Triangle Wood Floor (.7 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.246|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1308435108, title = 'Refurbished House Parts (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.246|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 939685392, title = 'Sconces & Lights (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.246|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 919582162, title = 'Old Windows (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.247|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 913240385, title = 'Crownglass Window (v.07 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.247|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 916273051, title = 'Working Casement Glass Windows [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.248|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1368392195, title = 'Sittable Chairs'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.248|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1149803301, title = 'Immersive Furnishings [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.249|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 758546771, title = 'Containers and Accessories [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.250|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 953672741, title = 'Apple Trees (DS)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.250|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1121540837, title = 'ShipsLadder'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.251|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1179772055, title = 'Harbor Mod (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.252|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1521656416, title = 'Timber Arches'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.252|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1119756815, title = 'Medieval Chairs (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.253|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 917148110, title = 'Roof sytem slope 30deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.254|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1096499958, title = 'Wooden Gallery v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.254|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1948073071, title = 'Roof sytem slope 60deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.255|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1273457270, title = 'Small-Block Doors [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.256|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1607724334, title = 'Ship_Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.256|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 743983000, title = 'Iron Bars, Grates, and Fences [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.256|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1167024924, title = 'Wood Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.257|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1402358323, title = 'Tool Rack (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.257|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1079124324, title = 'Royal Fireplace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.258|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 906180677, title = 'Tailor Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.258|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1403615551, title = 'Dinner Festival Decore (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.258|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 904199805, title = 'Variety Furniture (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.259|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1162874232, title = 'Variety Tile Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.259|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 918143672, title = 'Nordic Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.260|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 891616931, title = 'Deco Pack 2+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.260|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 2063562353, title = 'Berry Farm 0.7.2 ( DS ready )'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.260|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1305114721, title = 'Re:Plant'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.261|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1270692971, title = 'Lost Wax Casting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.261|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1114811180, title = 'Market Stand (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.261|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 954839462, title = 'Royal Forge,Furnace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.262|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1134968404, title = 'Cushion Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.262|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 893070125, title = 'Kitchen Deco (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.262|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 897963328, title = 'Medieval Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.263|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1161917190, title = 'Saw Mill (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.263|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1932937037, title = 'Black Powder Materials'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.263|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1088868028, title = 'The Matchlock Musket'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.264|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1351589887, title = 'Hidden Stashes [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.264|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1122714705, title = 'Privy_Bath_Loo (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.268|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1552483203, title = 'Steam Engines'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.268|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1625248745, title = 'More Catch Blocks'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.269|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1524241218, title = 'Gears Remade'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.269|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 892900859, title = 'Storage Crates & More'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.270|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 1256213373, title = 'Diagonal Timbers 1x1 to 10x10 (for 0.7.x)'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.270|Worker Logic 0> Up to date mod: Id = 845870421, title = 'Mushroom Farmer'
2020-05-16 05:38:58.272|Worker Logic 0> Mod download time: 0.06 seconds
2020-05-16 05:38:58.290|Main Thread> LoadSession() - End
2020-05-16 05:38:58.737|Main Thread>ModManager> Loading mods
2020-05-16 05:38:58.737|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Equinox Core'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.083|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: Equinox Core_1367411991_802d74bd-faa0-4b57-bc1f-fe45e0452fef, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:02.083|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rails Core'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.632|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: Rails Core_1374827092_bfc7e4ab-c0cb-4894-b136-0c5acbbb6fb5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:02.632|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rails Shared Assets'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.633|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rails Wood'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.634|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rails Steel'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.634|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Reinforced Materials'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.635|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Player Attachment Pose Library'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.635|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'A World of Ice & Fire'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.866|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: A World of Ice & Fire_1780219439_c6314a66-ac82-4396-b77e-780ae320a00d, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:02.866|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'AI Defenders'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.959|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: AI Defenders_1293431501_64abd02d-593d-4d7e-8d4a-0c641845c33f, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:02.959|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'The Trading Post'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.960|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Bamboo Craft (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.960|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'EasternArchitecture'
2020-05-16 05:39:02.961|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Spyglass'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.005|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: Spyglass_1682567754_dcce543b-cb31-49ef-baa6-92c72130034f, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:03.005|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Medieval Spires (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.006|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Additional Railings (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.007|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Automated Torches'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.008|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Intrinsic Glass (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.008|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Tracery (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.009|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Gate Walls (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.009|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rail Bogies'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.010|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Rails Modpack'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.011|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Chicken Coop (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.011|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Ranged Weapons Racks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.012|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Cobble House (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.020|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Stick Gate (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.021|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Crafting Desk (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.022|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Variety Timber (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.024|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Hand Crafted Stove (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.025|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Tavern Mod'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.026|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Advanced Beekeeping [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.026|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Brick Blocks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.029|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Soil Graders'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.030|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Animated-Botany (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.031|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod '[0.7.1] Gothic Architecture & More'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.031|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'AdditionalArches'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.033|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Archway Intersections (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.034|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Spiral Stairs+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.035|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Triangle Wood Floor (.7 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.035|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Refurbished House Parts (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.042|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Sconces & Lights (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.042|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Old Windows (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.043|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Crownglass Window (v.07 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.044|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Working Casement Glass Windows [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.045|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Sittable Chairs'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.046|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Immersive Furnishings [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.046|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Containers and Accessories [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.047|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Apple Trees (DS)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.048|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'ShipsLadder'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.049|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Harbor Mod (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.050|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Timber Arches'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.052|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Medieval Chairs (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.052|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Roof sytem slope 30deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.053|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Wooden Gallery v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.054|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Roof sytem slope 60deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.055|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Small-Block Doors [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.055|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Ship_Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.056|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Iron Bars, Grates, and Fences [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.056|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Wood Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.057|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Tool Rack (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.058|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Royal Fireplace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.058|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Tailor Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.059|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Dinner Festival Decore (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.060|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Variety Furniture (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.060|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Variety Tile Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.061|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Nordic Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.062|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Deco Pack 2+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.062|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Berry Farm 0.7.2 ( DS ready )'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.063|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Re:Plant'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.064|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Lost Wax Casting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.065|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Market Stand (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.066|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Royal Forge,Furnace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.066|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Cushion Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.067|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Kitchen Deco (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.068|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Medieval Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.068|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Saw Mill (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.069|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Black Powder Materials'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.070|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'The Matchlock Musket'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.124|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: The Matchlock Musket_1088868028_88989bf4-8eda-44e1-9506-2cb891f902dc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:03.124|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Hidden Stashes [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.125|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Privy_Bath_Loo (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.125|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Steam Engines'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.280|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Mod Script Assembly loaded: Steam Engines_1552483203_c48b8bf8-1dc3-4228-b547-818d73c04504, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2020-05-16 05:39:03.280|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'More Catch Blocks'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.280|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Gears Remade'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.282|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Storage Crates & More'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.283|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Diagonal Timbers 1x1 to 10x10 (for 0.7.x)'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.283|Main Thread>ModManager>     Info: Loading mod 'Mushroom Farmer'
2020-05-16 05:39:03.322|Main Thread>ModManager> Done.
2020-05-16 05:39:03.456|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Initializing session, elapsed time: 4.7432952 seconds
2020-05-16 05:39:03.466|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods (85) - START
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1367411991', Name = 'Equinox Core'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1374827092', Name = 'Rails Core'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1374827328', Name = 'Rails Shared Assets'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1374827624', Name = 'Rails Wood'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1411125476', Name = 'Rails Steel'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '2064272687', Name = 'Reinforced Materials'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1367181070', Name = 'Player Attachment Pose Library'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1780219439', Name = 'A World of Ice & Fire'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1293431501', Name = 'AI Defenders'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '931508706', Name = 'The Trading Post'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1506966775', Name = 'Bamboo Craft (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1932827113', Name = 'EasternArchitecture'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1682567754', Name = 'Spyglass'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1720792908', Name = 'Medieval Spires (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1690853995', Name = 'Additional Railings (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1668780689', Name = 'Automated Torches'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1655509249', Name = 'Intrinsic Glass (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1591937068', Name = 'Tracery (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1543743716', Name = 'Gate Walls (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1411125619', Name = 'Rail Bogies'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1534495186', Name = 'Rails Modpack'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1510019093', Name = 'Chicken Coop (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1460979100', Name = 'Ranged Weapons Racks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1473195374', Name = 'Cobble House (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1413611773', Name = 'Stick Gate (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1381441306', Name = 'Crafting Desk (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1317514193', Name = 'Variety Timber (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1303531886', Name = 'Hand Crafted Stove (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1289910734', Name = 'Tavern Mod'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1371540334', Name = 'Advanced Beekeeping [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1276126447', Name = 'Brick Blocks (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1688423921', Name = 'Soil Graders'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1117834817', Name = 'Animated-Botany (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1681205636', Name = '[0.7.1] Gothic Architecture & More'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1678577417', Name = 'AdditionalArches'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1662863049', Name = 'Archway Intersections (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1476476779', Name = 'Spiral Stairs+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1299080198', Name = 'Triangle Wood Floor (.7 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1308435108', Name = 'Refurbished House Parts (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '939685392', Name = 'Sconces & Lights (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '919582162', Name = 'Old Windows (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '913240385', Name = 'Crownglass Window (v.07 ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '916273051', Name = 'Working Casement Glass Windows [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1368392195', Name = 'Sittable Chairs'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1149803301', Name = 'Immersive Furnishings [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '758546771', Name = 'Containers and Accessories [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '953672741', Name = 'Apple Trees (DS)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1121540837', Name = 'ShipsLadder'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1179772055', Name = 'Harbor Mod (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1521656416', Name = 'Timber Arches'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1119756815', Name = 'Medieval Chairs (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '917148110', Name = 'Roof sytem slope 30deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1096499958', Name = 'Wooden Gallery v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1948073071', Name = 'Roof sytem slope 60deg and walls v0.7'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1273457270', Name = 'Small-Block Doors [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1607724334', Name = 'Ship_Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '743983000', Name = 'Iron Bars, Grates, and Fences [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1167024924', Name = 'Wood Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1402358323', Name = 'Tool Rack (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1079124324', Name = 'Royal Fireplace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '906180677', Name = 'Tailor Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1403615551', Name = 'Dinner Festival Decore (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '904199805', Name = 'Variety Furniture (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1162874232', Name = 'Variety Tile Floors (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '918143672', Name = 'Nordic Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '891616931', Name = 'Deco Pack 2+ (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '2063562353', Name = 'Berry Farm 0.7.2 ( DS ready )'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1305114721', Name = 'Re:Plant'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1270692971', Name = 'Lost Wax Casting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1114811180', Name = 'Market Stand (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '954839462', Name = 'Royal Forge,Furnace (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1134968404', Name = 'Cushion Crafting (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '893070125', Name = 'Kitchen Deco (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '897963328', Name = 'Medieval Objects (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.783|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1161917190', Name = 'Saw Mill (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1932937037', Name = 'Black Powder Materials'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1088868028', Name = 'The Matchlock Musket'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1351589887', Name = 'Hidden Stashes [0.7]'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1122714705', Name = 'Privy_Bath_Loo (.7 Ready)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1552483203', Name = 'Steam Engines'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1625248745', Name = 'More Catch Blocks'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1524241218', Name = 'Gears Remade'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '892900859', Name = 'Storage Crates & More'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '1256213373', Name = 'Diagonal Timbers 1x1 to 10x10 (for 0.7.x)'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: Id = '845870421', Name = 'Mushroom Farmer'
2020-05-16 05:39:06.784|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods - END
2020-05-16 05:39:06.797|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:06.906|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: MaterialProperties.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:06.906|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: PhysicalMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:06.932|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find serializer for type MyObjectBuilder_StockpileComponentDefinition, maybe it's misspelled?
2020-05-16 05:39:06.933|Main Thread> Info: The error occured at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\333950\1780219439\Data\FoodDishesAndItems.sbc:121:4
2020-05-16 05:39:07.002|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\ProceduralEnvironmentsEarthSecond.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.002|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: PlanetGeneratorDefinitions\EarthSecond.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.004|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Planets\Terra.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.072|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Materials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.085|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Categories.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.085|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Materials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.094|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemsRefined.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.158|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Materials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.159|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.166|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.215|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Categories.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.216|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Seedbags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.216|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Environment\FarmableEnvironmentItems.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.217|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\Gatherables.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.217|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Environment\PhysicalModelCollections.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.219|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\PhysicalModels.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.219|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.220|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\Consumables\Raw\RawFoods.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.245|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.263|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Categories.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.264|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Environment\GrowableEnvironmentItems.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.270|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.286|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Research\EconomicEngineering\EconomicEngineering.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.315|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Categories.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.317|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemsRaw.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.325|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: MaterialProperties.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.326|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: PhysicalMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.398|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.403|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.405|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.418|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: MaterialProperties.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.420|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: PhysicalMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.422|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.423|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Materials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.446|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.446|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Categories.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.448|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: CubeBlocks\Production\CommonComponents.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.449|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemsRaw.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.450|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.465|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: CubeBlocks\Production\CommonComponents.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.466|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.488|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.641|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.660|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemsRaw.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.661|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Items\ItemTags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.719|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.731|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.734|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Seedbags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.734|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\FarmableEnvironmentItems.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.750|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: VoxelMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.834|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: TransparentMaterials.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.926|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Crafting\Seedbags.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.927|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\FarmableEnvironmentItems.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.927|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Error: Environment\PhysicalModelCollections.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:07.927|Main Thread>Definitions> Error: Environment\PhysicalModels.sbc, Checksum mismatch.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.082|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\LedgeStoneRound_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LedgeStoneRound' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.165|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.180|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.201|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.216|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.233|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.256|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.270|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.285|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.300|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.482|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WeightBlock.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Weight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:09.704|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChairWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:10.516|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\dead_astronaut.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DeadExplorer' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:10.548|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wardrobe.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wardrobe' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:10.562|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BedWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:10.593|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\CatapultProjectile_large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MagicCatapultProjectile' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:10.777|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BannerWorkstation.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Loom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.222|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBarrel.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BarrelWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.241|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWood_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.246|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWoodLarge_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWoodLarge' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.626|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\PAX_Anchor.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Anchor' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.682|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\PAX_FishWallMount.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_FishWallMount' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.708|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\PAX_FishWallMount_Tool.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_FishWallMount_Tool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.735|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\PAX_FishWallMount_Big.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_FishWallMount_Big' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.764|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_6x6x6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_6x6x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.764|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_5x5x5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_5x5x5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.765|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_4x4x4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_4x4x4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.765|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_3x3x3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_3x3x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.765|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_8x4x4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_8x4x4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.766|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_8x3x3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_8x3x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.766|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_5x3x3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_5x3x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.766|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_4x2x3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_4x2x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.766|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Boxes\PAX_HollowBox_3x2x3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_HollowBox_3x2x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.849|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderMedium.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_Medium' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.849|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderMedium.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_Medium_Centered' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.876|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderSmall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_Small' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.876|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderSmall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_Small_Centered' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.904|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderLight.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_MediumLight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.904|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderLight.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_MediumLight_Centered' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.931|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderLightSmall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_SmallLight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:11.931|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodRudderLightSmall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Rudder_SmallLight_Centered' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.545|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BambooDoorWayDoor_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BambooDoorWayDoor' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.570|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BambooTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BambooTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.595|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BambooChair_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BambooChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.621|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BambooRug_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BambooRug' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.778|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BambooTriangleTop_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BambooTriangleTop' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.829|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ForestLantern.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ForestLantern' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:12.856|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ForestLantern_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ForestLantern_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.012|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RicePaperWindow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RicePaperWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.038|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RicePaperSection.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RicePaperSection' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.361|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DragonPhoenix.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DragonPheonix' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.396|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DragonStatue.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DragonStatue' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.474|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\UmbrellaTree.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FlowerTree' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.502|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseBucket_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseBucket' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.528|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseDrum_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseDrum' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.566|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseKettle_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseKettle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.595|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseSideTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseSideTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.663|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseStatue_2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseStatue_2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.691|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\OrnamentSection.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OrnamentSection' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.721|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseOrnament2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseOrnament2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.801|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RicePlanter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RicePlanter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.827|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RoofOrnament_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoofOrnament_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.852|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RoofOrnament_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoofOrnament_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.877|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoofCorner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoofCorner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.928|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoofCorner_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoofCorner_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:13.954|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof_Inner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof_Inner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.004|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof_Inner_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof_Inner_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.028|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.087|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.137|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof_End.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof_End' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.163|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\JapaneseRoof_EndMirror.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:JapaneseRoof_EndMirror' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.243|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\GothicSpire_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:GothicSpire' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.269|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TallRoofQuarter_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TallRoofQuarter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.294|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof1_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.319|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof2_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.344|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof3_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.368|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof4_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.392|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof5_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.416|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof6_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.440|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof7_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.466|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof8_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.490|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof9_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.515|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof10_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof10' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.540|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpireRoof11_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpireRoof11' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.565|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RoseryGlass1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoseryGlass1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.588|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_Arch_6x6_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_Arch_6x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.612|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_Arch_6x6_XBar_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_Arch_6x6_XBar' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.636|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_Arch_8x8_XBar_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_Arch_8x8_XBar' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.660|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.684|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.707|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.730|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.754|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.778|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x6_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.802|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x7_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.825|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x8_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.849|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x9_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.873|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Bar_1x10_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_1x10' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.897|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_corner_1x1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_corner_1x1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.921|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_T_1x1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_T_1x1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.944|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Interstion_1x1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Bar_T_1x1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.968|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:14.991|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.015|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.038|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.061|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.085|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x6_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.108|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x7_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.132|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x8_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.155|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x9_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.179|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Tracery_Frame_1x10_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tracery_Frame_1x10' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.203|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WallArch_3x6_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallArch_3x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.226|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WallArch6x6_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallArch6x6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.251|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\GateFrameSign_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:GateFrameSign' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.275|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\IntegratedGateWall_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:IntegratedGateWall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.299|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\IntegratedGateTunnel_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:IntegratedGateTunnel' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.323|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArmoredDoorWall_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArmoredDoorWall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.346|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArmoredDoorWall2_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArmoredDoorWall2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.394|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Equinox\Bogie\Bogie.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BogieEven' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.395|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Equinox\Bogie\Bogie.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Bogie' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.396|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Equinox\Handcart\Handcart.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HandcartRail' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.419|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ButcherTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ButcherTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.442|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ChickenCoop_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChickenCoop' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.466|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\PlaceableChicken_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PlaceableChicken' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.489|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StawPile_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StrawPile' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.511|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\CrossBowRack_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrossBowRack' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.536|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\LargeCrossbowRack_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargeCrossbowRack' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.601|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StairsCobble_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StairsCobble' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.645|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TriangleCobble_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleCobble' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.667|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TriangleCobbleMir_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleCobbleMir' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.710|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WindowCobble_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowCobble' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.734|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WindowCobbleShutter_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowCobbleShutter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.760|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DoorwayCobble_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DoorwayCobble' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.808|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FenceCobbleStraight_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FenceCobbleStraight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.829|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FenceCobbleStraightShort_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FenceCobbleStraightShort' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.851|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FenceCobbleStraight2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FenceCobbleStraight2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.872|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FenceCobbleStraight2Short_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FenceCobbleStraight2Short' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.894|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\CobbleFenceEnd_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CobbleFenceEnd' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.915|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StickFenceGateFrame_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:GateFrame' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.943|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.956|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.970|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.984|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:15.999|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.013|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.027|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.040|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.054|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarPlank9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarPlank9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.080|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.094|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.107|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.121|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.134|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.148|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.162|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.175|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.189|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CedarTimber9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CedarTimber9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.215|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.228|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.242|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.257|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.270|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.284|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.297|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.311|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.325|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldPlank9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldPlank9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.352|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.366|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.378|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.392|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.406|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.419|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.433|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.446|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.459|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTimber9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTimber9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.480|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HandCraftedStove.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HandCraftedStove' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.496|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Drunkard.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Drunkard' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.514|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\HouseGirl.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HouseGirl' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.530|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PassedOutMan.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PassedOutMan' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.544|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TavernJug.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernJug' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.558|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TavernBar.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernBar' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.572|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TavernMug.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernMug' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.588|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BarKeep.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernKeeper' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.606|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TavernWench.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernWench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.620|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TavernStool.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TavernStool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.636|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TheBard.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TheBard' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.659|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DoorWay1Door_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DoorWay1Door' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.664|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\Doorway1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Doorway1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.692|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\FullArch.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickArchFull' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.768|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickSlope.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickSlope' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.786|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\QuarterRoundBrick.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:QuarterRoundBrick' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.793|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\QuarterRoundBrickR.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:QuarterRoundBrickR' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.936|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickTriangle.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickTriangle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.942|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickTriangleMirror.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickTriangleMirror' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.959|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickWallLargeWindow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickWallLargeWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.977|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\QuarterRoundWallBrick.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:QuarterRoundWallBrick' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:16.995|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BananaLeafPlant_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BananaLeafPlant' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.010|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BotanyTable.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BotanyTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.023|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Bush1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Bush1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.035|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ExoticPlant.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ExoticPlant' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.054|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ClayPotSmall_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClayPotSmall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.066|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\FernPlant_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FernPlant' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.077|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Flower1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Flower1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.090|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Flower2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Flower2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.109|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FlowerBush_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FlowerBush' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.122|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\MixSapling_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MixSapling' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.142|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\LargeClayPot_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargeClayPot' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.168|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\NewFlower_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NewFlower' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.195|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\NewFlower2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NewFlower2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.207|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PurpleLeafSapling_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PurpleLeafSapling' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.226|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\OldClayPot_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldClayPot' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.239|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RedSapling_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RedSapling' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.254|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RockGarden_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RockGarden' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.266|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RomanPlantPot_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RomanPlantPot' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.277|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Vine2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Vine2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.289|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Vine_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Vine' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.301|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\VineWall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:VineWall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.313|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WindowPlanter_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowPlanter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.333|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Vine_Archway.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Vine_Archway' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.357|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\StoneBlocks\[0.7]_Stone_Dwarf_Gallery_Small_Round_Left_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneDwarfGallerySmallRoundLeft' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.440|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\WallStoneRoundDoubleArch_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallStoneRoundDoubleArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.444|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\WallStoneRoundDoubleArch_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallStoneRoundPillarsDoubleArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.478|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchBottom_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeBottom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.478|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchMiddle_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeMiddle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.478|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchTop_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeTop' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.478|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchTop_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeTop_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.479|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchTop_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeTop_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.479|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneBigArchTop_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneArchLargeTop_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.483|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneLargeArch2Side_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneLargeArch2Side' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.483|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneLargeArch2Center_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneLargeArch2Center_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.483|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneLargeArch2Center_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneLargeArch2Center_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.484|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneLargeArch2Center_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneLargeArch2Center_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.484|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedBigArchBottom_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedBigArchBottom_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.485|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.485|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.485|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedBigArchMiddle_V3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.486|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedLargeArch2_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedLargeArch2_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.486|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCurvedLargeArch2_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCurvedLargeArch2_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.487|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCornerBigArchMiddle_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCornerBigArchMiddle_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.488|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCornerLargeArch2Side_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCornerLargeArch2Side_V1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.488|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\StoneCornerLargeArch2Side_V2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCornerLargeArch2Side_V2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.510|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\CrossArchstone_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrossArchstone' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.528|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StoneCeilingInsert_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneCeilingInsert' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.546|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArchedInnerRound_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArchedInnerRound' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.564|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\4wayArch_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:4wayArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.586|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\3wayArch_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:3wayArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.604|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\2wayArch_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:2wayArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.622|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\1wayArch_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:1wayArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.640|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WideArchedDoorFrame_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WideArchedDoorFrame' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.657|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralRailingAtt_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpiralRailingAtt' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.675|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralRailingAtt2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpiralRailingAtt2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.692|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WideWoodenStairs_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WideWoodenStairs' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.710|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralStairs_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FancySpiralStairs' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.728|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralStairsMir_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FancySpiralStairsMir' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.747|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralStairsCenter_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpiralStairsCenter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.766|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SpiralStairsCenterMir_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpiralStairsCenterMir' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.784|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodSpiral_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpiralWoodStairs' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.802|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodSpiralMir_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodSpiralMir' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.821|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodSpiralCenter_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodSpiralCenter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.838|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodSpiralCenterMir_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodSpiralCenterMir' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.856|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodFloorHalf_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodFloorHalf' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.873|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodFloorHalfA_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodFloorHalfA' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.891|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodFloorQuarter_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodFloorQuarter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.908|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodFloorQuarterA_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodFloorQuarterA' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.912|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfTimberFloor.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfTimberFloor' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.916|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\TriangleWoodFloor.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleWoodFloor' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.920|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\TriangleWoodFloorMirror.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleWoodFloorMirror' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.925|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfFloorRailing.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfFloorRailing' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.929|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DiagonalRailingShort.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DiagonalRailingShort' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.933|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\QuarterRailing.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:QuarterRailing' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.941|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\QuarterRailingMirr.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:QuarterRailingMirr' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.946|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfFloorRailingMirr.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfFloorRailingMirr' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.950|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickWallDiagonal.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickWallDiagonal' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.969|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWallBrick.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWallBrick' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.973|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWallBrickMirr.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWallBrickMirr' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:17.976|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickTimberTriangleOdd.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickTimberTriangleOdd' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.004|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BrickTimberWindowShutter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BrickTimberWindowShutter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.008|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\OldWoodWallDiagonal.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWoodWallDiagonal' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.011|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWalloldWood.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWalloldWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.016|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWalloldWoodMirr.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWalloldWoodMirr' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.027|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\OldWoodTriangleOdd.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWoodTriangleOdd' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.055|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\OldWoodWindowShutter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWoodWindowShutter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.060|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWallTan.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWallTan' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.063|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\HalfWallTanMirr.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HalfWallTanMirr' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.067|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\PinkTriangle.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanTriangle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.071|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\PinkTriangleOdd.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanTriangleOdd' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.075|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\TanWallDiagonal.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanWallDiagonal' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.079|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\PinkWall.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanWall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.083|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\PinkWallX.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanWallX' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.087|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\TanWallPlain.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanWallPlain' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.103|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\PinkWindowShutter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TanWindowShutter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.116|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CandleLamp.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CandleLamp' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.128|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\FancyLargeCandle.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FancyLargeCandle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.140|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Sconce.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Sconce' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.152|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\StandingSconce.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StandingSconce' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.163|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\StoneBrazier.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneBrazier' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.184|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StreetLamp_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StreetLamp' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.200|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WallMountCandle_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallMountCandle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.211|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldWindow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.222|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldWindow2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWindow2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.234|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldWindowArched.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWindowArched' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.250|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\OldWindowFrame_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWindowFrame' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.268|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\CookHouseWindow_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CookHouseWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.281|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.294|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindow_oldtex.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindow_oldtex' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.308|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindow_heraldic.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindow_heraldic' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.322|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindowSMALL.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindowSMALL' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.335|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindowSMALL_oldtex.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindowSMALL_oldtex' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.349|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CrownglassWindowSMALL_heraldic.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CrownglassWindowSMALL_heraldic' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.575|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BedRope_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BedRope' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.627|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ThroneStori3D.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Throne_Stori3D' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.645|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Stori3D_Broom.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Stori3D_Broom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.702|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wooden_Bowl.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wooden_Bowl' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.711|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wooden_Box2Working.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wooden_Box2WorkingNew' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.720|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wooden_BoxWorking.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wooden_BoxWorkingNew' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.748|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SteepStairs_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsLadder' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.761|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SteepStairs3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsLadder3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.775|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SteepStairs6(TrapDoor)_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsLadder6(TrapDoor)' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.790|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SteepStairsWorkladder_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsLadderWorkladder' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.799|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BoatModel.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BoatModel' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.812|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BirdOnPerch.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BirdOnPerch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.817|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DockArch.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockArch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.821|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DockArchCorner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockArchCorner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.825|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DockArchRing.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockArchRing' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.828|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DockArchRingCorner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockArchRingCorner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.832|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\DockCube.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockCube' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.844|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Dockmaster.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Dockmaster' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.853|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DockPost.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockPost' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.862|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DockArchRingMount_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockArchRingMount' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.871|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DockWater.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DockWater' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.882|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\FishRack.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FishRack' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.893|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Fisherman.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Fisherman' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.897|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\ShallowWater.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShallowWater' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:18.997|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ChurchBench.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChurchBench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.005|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CounsilChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CounsilChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.013|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LeatherBench.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LeatherBench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.021|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LeatherSeatChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LeatherSeatChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.038|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\OldStool.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldStool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.046|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PeasantChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PeasantChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.054|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RedSeatChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RedSeatChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.062|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TriangleChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.070|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\TwoSeatBench.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TwoSeatBench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.481|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.483|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLO_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLO_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.486|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopMI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopMI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.488|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.491|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRO_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRO_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.493|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLOS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLOS_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.496|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopROS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopROS_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.499|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.501|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLO_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLO_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.504|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopMI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopMI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.506|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRI_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.509|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRO_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopRO_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.511|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLOS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopLOS_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.514|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopROS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WWoodenBattlementRoundL_RoofTopROS_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.561|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_BottomLI_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_Bottom_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.564|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_BottomLOS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_BottomLSt_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.566|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBattlementRoundL_BottomROS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBattlementRoundL_BottomRSt_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.577|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBalconyFloor_Straight_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBalconyFloor_Straight_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.580|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBalconyFloor_CornerIn_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBalconyFloor_CornerIn_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:19.583|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBalconyFloor_CornerOut_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBalconyFloor_CornerOut_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.087|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\SlicedRoofWoodSlope60_RoundS_Large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SlicedRoofWoodSlope60_RoundS_Large' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.198|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipDeckGrateWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipDeckGrateWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.213|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\GriffinFigureHead_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:GriffinFigureHead' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.227|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipLadderWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipLadderWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.238|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RopeEndingShip2WT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RopeEndingShip2WT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.249|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\RopeEndingShipWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RopeEndingShipWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.330|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArkRaft1WT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArkRaftWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.342|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArkRaft2WT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArkRaft2WT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.353|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArkRaftLog1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArkRaftLog1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.364|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ArkRaftLog2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ArkRaftLog2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.433|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\AngledTimber-Arch_1B.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:AngledTimber-Arch_1B' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.444|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipsWindowWall_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsWindowWall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.455|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipsDoorwayWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsDoorwayWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.468|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipsStairsWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsStairsWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.478|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipsDeck1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipsDeck1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.486|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\1x1_TimberDome_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:1x1_TimberDome' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.492|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\1x1_TimberDome_2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:1x1_TimberDome_2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.505|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipBowWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipBowWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.516|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipRailingWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipRailingWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.527|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipRailing45WT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipRailing45WT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.538|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\SkinnyMastPillar5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SkinnyMastPillar5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.549|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\MastPillar10_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MastPillar10' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.560|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\MastPillar5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MastPillar5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.571|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShipHatchWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShipHatchWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.582|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TrapDoorFrameWT_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TrapDoorFrameWT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.594|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\VictorianLifeBoat_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:VictorianLifeBoat' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.606|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBar.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBar' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.613|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarVert.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarVert' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.619|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarT.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.626|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarLHook.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarLHook' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.632|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarHingeRing.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarHingeRing' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.639|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarUHook.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarUHook' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.645|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarCorner_T.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarCornerT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.652|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarCorner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarCorner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.658|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OneIronBarCorner_Flat.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OneIronBarCornerFlat' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.665|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\IronWindowGrate.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:IronWindowGrate' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.672|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\IronFencing.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:IronFencing' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.679|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\IronFencingCorner.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:IronFencingCorner' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.788|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ToolRack_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ToolRack' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.798|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\MedievalFirePlace_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MedievalFirePlace' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.812|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RoyalFirePlaceOld.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoyalFirePlaceOld' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.819|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ClothRoll.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClothRoll' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.824|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ClothRoll2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClothRoll2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.829|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ClothRoll3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClothRoll3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.835|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ClothRoll4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClothRoll4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.841|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\ClothRoll5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ClothRoll5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.846|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\MedievalLoom.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MedievalLoom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.852|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Spool.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Spool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.858|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Spool2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Spool2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.863|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Spool3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Spool3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.869|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Spool4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Spool4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.875|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Spool5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Spool5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.884|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FestivalDinnerChair_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FestivalDinnerChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.893|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.903|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain1Closed_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain1Closed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.911|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.921|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain2Closed_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain2Closed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.929|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.939|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain3Closed_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain3Closed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.947|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.956|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Curtain4Closed_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Curtain4Closed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.965|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FestivalStreamer_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FestivalStreamer' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.975|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\FruitBowl_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FruitBowl' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.983|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\MintBasket_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MintBasket' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:20.991|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.000|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.008|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.017|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.025|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.034|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster6_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.042|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Poster7_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Poster7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.053|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.061|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.070|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.078|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.087|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain5_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.095|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\ShortCurtain6_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ShortCurtain6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.104|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TableCloth_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TableCloth' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.112|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TableCloth2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TableCloth2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.121|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TableCloth3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TableCloth3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.129|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TableCloth4_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TableCloth4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.138|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TableTorch_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TableTorch' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.146|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WindowCurtain_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowCurtain' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.156|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WindowCurtain2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowCurtain2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.164|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WindowCurtain3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WindowCurtain3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.170|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Bar_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RusticBar' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.174|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Bar2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RusticBar2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.180|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldBench_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWoodBench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.186|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldWoodBench_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldWoodBench2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.191|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldMarbleBench_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldMarbleBench' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.196|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldMarbeTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldMarbeTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.202|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldStoneTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldStoneTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.207|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\OldTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:OldTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.212|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\SquareTable_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SquareTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.218|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Stool_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Stool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.224|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Throne_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Throne' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.786|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\EmptyRum.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:EmptyRum' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.793|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\FishPlatter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:FishPlatter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.798|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\NorseBed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NorseBed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.804|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Boots.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NordicBoots' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.808|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\NordicChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NordicChair' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.813|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\NordicThrone.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NordicThrone' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.821|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\CaptainsWindow_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CaptainsWindow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.828|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BedWithBlanket_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BedWithBlanket' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.835|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DeckGrate_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DeckGrate' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.843|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DecoAnchor_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DecoAnchor' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.848|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DecoStool.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DecoStool' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.856|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\DutchLamp_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DutchLamp' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.863|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\LampRope_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LampRope' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.872|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TrophyFish1_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TrophyFish1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.879|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TrophyFish2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TrophyFish2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.887|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TrophyFish3_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TrophyFish3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.892|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RoundTable.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoundTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.896|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\NobleBed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:NobleBed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.901|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\KOTRT.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:KOTRT' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.906|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Tent.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Tent' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.910|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WallTable.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WallTable' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.918|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TriangleSupport_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleSupport' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.925|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\TriangleSupport2_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:TriangleSupport2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.935|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WolfHeadMount_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WolfHeadMount' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.939|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DeerGargoyle.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DeerGargoyle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.941|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\Production\BronzeStatueCrafting.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BronzeStatueCrafting' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.944|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\GargoyleBronze.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:GargoyleBronze' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.952|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\KingStatueHorseBronze.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:KingStatueHorseBronze' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.956|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WolfGargoyleBronze.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WolfGargoyleBronze' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.968|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WolfStatueBronze.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WolfStatueBronze' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.979|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\MarketStall_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MarketStall' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.989|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.991|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.994|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:21.998|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.001|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.003|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\LargePillow6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LargePillow6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.006|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.009|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.012|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.015|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.018|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.021|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Pillow6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Pillow6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.024|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RoundRed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoundRed' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.027|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RoundGold.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoundGold' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.030|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RoundPillow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RoundPillow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.034|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CookingPot.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CookingPot' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.036|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\CookingPan.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:CookingPan' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.040|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RomanCup.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RomanCup' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.044|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Kettle.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Kettle' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.048|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Kettle2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Kettle2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.052|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\MilkJug.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MilkJug' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.057|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DinnerPlate2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DinnerPlate2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.061|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodenBowl.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenBowl' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.067|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\DinnerPlate.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DinnerPlate' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.071|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodenCup.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenCup' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.076|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodenCup2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodenCup2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.079|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\RopeJug.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:RopeJug' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.083|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\BreadBox.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BreadBox' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.086|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Ankh.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Ankh' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.093|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\WoodBarrelDeco1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:WoodBarrelDeco1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.102|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\BucklerPeg_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BucklerPeg' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.106|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\HelmetHolder_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HelmetHolder' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.114|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Old_Alembic.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Old_Alembic' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.117|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\SpartanHelm.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SpartanHelm' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.120|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\VikingHelmet.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:VikingHelmet' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.129|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Wooden_Wheelbarrow.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wooden_Wheelbarrow' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.132|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\SawMill_Small.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:SawMill' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.132|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBarrel.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ExtractionVat' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.140|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\HayTarget.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:HayTarget' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.142|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Brasstub.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Brasstub' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.143|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PeasantTub.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PeasantTub' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.144|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Privy.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Privy' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.145|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PrivyCrafter.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PrivyCrafter' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.147|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\PublicPrivy.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PublicPrivy' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.149|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\StoneBath.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:StoneBath' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.191|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.192|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.192|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.192|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.193|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.193|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\StructuralTubes\PAX_SteelTimber10.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_SteelTimber10' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.214|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_3A.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_3A' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.215|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_3B.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_3B' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.215|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_5A.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_5A' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.216|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_5B.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_5B' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.216|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_9A.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_9A' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.217|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_9A_Half.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_9A_Half' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.218|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_9A_Ring.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_9A_Ring' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.218|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_9A_Ring.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_9A_Ring_Offset' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.218|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_9B.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_9B' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.219|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_13A.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_13A' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.219|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_17A.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_17A' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:22.220|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Gears\PAX_Gear_17A_Half.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:PAX_Gear_17A_Half' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2020-05-16 05:39:34.067|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:39:34.067|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:39:34.071|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:39:34.071|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:39:34.076|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:39:34.076|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:39:34.082|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:39:34.082|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:39:35.450|Main Thread> Error: hand item behavior definition: ammo definition System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.ObjectBuilders.SerializableDefinitionId] could not be found!
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide30_CornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide30_CornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide30_TopCornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide30_TopCornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide30_CornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.518|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide30_CornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.519|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide30_TopCornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.519|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide30_TopCornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.521|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide60_CornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.521|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedTileSide60_CornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.522|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide60_CornerInLeft_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.522|Main Thread> Error: Key: BottomBack for generated block: GeneratedBlock:GeneratedWoodSide60_CornerInRight_Large already exists and wont be added. It has to be unique. Check definition.
2020-05-16 05:39:36.527|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - START
2020-05-16 05:39:36.554|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - END
2020-05-16 05:39:36.554|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - START
2020-05-16 05:39:36.588|Main Thread>    MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (2- USB PnP Audio Device)udio) - Channel #: 2
2020-05-16 05:39:36.970|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - END
2020-05-16 05:39:36.970|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2020-05-16 05:39:37.017|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2020-05-16 05:39:37.017|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - END
2020-05-16 05:39:37.021|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading definitions, elapsed time: 33.558312 seconds
2020-05-16 05:39:37.022|Main Thread> Info: Game Definition: SessionDefinition:Medieval.Planets
2020-05-16 05:39:45.835|Main Thread> MyTransparentGeometry.LoadData - START
2020-05-16 05:39:45.844|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - START
2020-05-16 05:39:45.850|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - END
2020-05-16 05:39:45.873|External Debugging Listener> External debugger: listening...
2020-05-16 05:39:46.085|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading session components, elapsed time: 9.0639849 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:04.596|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:04.596|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:06.345|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:06.345|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:06.411|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:06.411|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:06.692|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:06.692|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:06.717|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:06.717|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:06.730|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2020-05-16 05:40:06.730|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2020-05-16 05:40:08.667|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading models, elapsed time: 22.5802966 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.668|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading data, elapsed time: 65.2125667 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.678|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading character data, elapsed time: 0.0069811 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.710|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading final details, elapsed time: 0.00399 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.769|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Starting Components, elapsed time: 0.0568484 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.774|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading planet, elapsed time: 0.1047202 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.774|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Finished loading, elapsed time: 70.0645696 seconds
2020-05-16 05:40:08.794|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:40:08.795|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 3,610,924,008 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.797|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 4,631,785,472 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.797|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 55
2020-05-16 05:40:08.797|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 0.01
2020-05-16 05:40:08.797|Main Thread>    Entity count: 1
2020-05-16 05:40:08.797|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 4,631,785,472 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Working Set: 4,060,868,608 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 9,782,845,440 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 4,634,730,496 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Working Set: 4,064,329,728 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.798|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 9,787,039,744 B
2020-05-16 05:40:08.800|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 0
2020-05-16 05:40:08.841|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:09.671|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:09.672|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:09.673|Main Thread>    0: Sandbox.Game.Replication.MyVoxelReplicable+FirstPlanetLoadingStep
2020-05-16 05:40:10.845|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:11.627|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:11.627|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:11.632|Main Thread>    0: Sandbox.Game.Replication.MyVoxelReplicable+FirstPlanetLoadingStep
2020-05-16 05:40:12.877|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:14.183|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:14.183|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:14.183|Main Thread>    0: Sandbox.Game.Replication.MyVoxelReplicable+FirstPlanetLoadingStep
2020-05-16 05:40:14.885|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:15.120|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:15.120|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:15.121|Main Thread>    0: Sandbox.Game.Replication.MyVoxelReplicable+FirstPlanetLoadingStep
2020-05-16 05:40:16.271|Main Thread> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2020-05-16 05:40:16.271|Main Thread> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2020-05-16 05:40:16.656|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel and Model do not exist.
2020-05-16 05:40:16.672|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Environment\Trees\Spruce\SpruceTree175m.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:16.901|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:17.102|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:40:17.114|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:40:17.138|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:40:17.140|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:40:17.214|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:SawMill is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:40:17.319|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodGate.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.325|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodGate.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.341|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.353|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.363|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.363|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.364|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.364|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.382|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.383|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.384|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.384|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.384|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.408|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.427|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.427|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.427|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.427|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.428|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.433|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.433|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.433|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.434|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.434|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.434|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.434|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterR.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.434|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\Shutters\WoodShutterL.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.435|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.437|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.451|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.451|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankShutter_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.451|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\WoodenBlocks\RailingSupportGate_Large.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.487|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.519|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:17.911|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:17.911|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:17.913|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:18.903|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:18.905|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:18.905|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:18.905|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:19.894|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:19.894|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:19.894|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:20.913|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:20.931|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:20.931|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:20.931|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:22.608|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:22.608|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:22.608|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:22.922|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:23.614|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:23.614|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:23.615|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:24.669|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:24.669|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:24.669|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:24.937|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:25.781|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:25.781|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:25.781|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:26.835|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:26.835|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:26.836|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:26.952|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:27.890|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:27.890|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:27.890|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:28.944|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:28.944|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:28.944|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:28.960|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:30.022|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:30.022|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:30.023|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:30.976|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:31.077|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:31.077|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:31.077|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:32.131|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:32.131|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:32.131|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:32.985|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:33.186|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:33.186|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:33.186|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:34.249|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:34.249|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:34.249|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:35.002|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:35.302|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:35.302|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:35.303|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:36.356|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:36.356|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:36.357|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:37.009|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:37.412|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:37.412|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:37.412|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:38.466|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:38.466|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:38.466|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:39.017|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:39.520|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:39.520|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:39.521|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:40.574|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:40.574|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:40.574|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:41.026|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:41.629|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:41.629|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:41.630|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:42.683|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:42.683|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:42.683|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:43.035|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:43.738|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:43.738|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:43.738|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:44.792|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:44.792|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:44.792|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:45.042|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:45.846|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:45.846|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:45.847|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:46.901|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:46.901|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:46.901|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:47.052|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:47.956|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:47.956|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:47.956|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:49.010|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:49.010|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:49.010|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:49.059|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:50.064|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:50.064|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:50.064|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:51.268|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:51.384|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:51.384|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:51.384|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:52.376|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:52.376|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:52.376|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:53.272|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:53.366|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:53.366|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:53.367|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:54.359|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:54.359|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:54.359|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:55.287|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:55.353|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:55.353|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:55.353|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:56.531|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2020-05-16 05:40:56.531|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2020-05-16 05:40:56.532|Main Thread>    0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2020-05-16 05:40:57.295|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:57.530|Main Thread> All voxels loaded, cleaning up hooks.
2020-05-16 05:40:57.885|Main Thread> Loading finished: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: True
2020-05-16 05:40:57.985|Main Thread> Loading completed, starting session.
2020-05-16 05:40:59.155|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:AxeIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Axe_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:40:59.304|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:40:59.372|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:SawMill is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:41:00.159|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel and Model do not exist.
2020-05-16 05:41:00.159|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Environment\Trees\Spruce\SpruceTree15m.mwm
2020-05-16 05:41:00.174|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel and Model do not exist.
2020-05-16 05:41:00.174|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Environment\Trees\Spruce\SpruceTree15m.mwm
2020-05-16 05:41:00.176|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel and Model do not exist.
2020-05-16 05:41:00.176|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Environment\Trees\Pine\PineTree22m.mwm
2020-05-16 05:41:00.227|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel and Model do not exist.
2020-05-16 05:41:00.227|Worker Logic 0> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:Tree): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Environment\Trees\Pine\PineTree22m.mwm
2020-05-16 05:41:01.314|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:03.328|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:05.343|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:07.351|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:08.809|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:41:08.810|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 3,563,455,504 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 11,160,690,688 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 51
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Entity count: 698
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:41:08.811|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 11,160,690,688 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,119,798,272 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 16,430,686,208 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 11,160,690,688 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,119,806,464 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 16,432,365,568 B
2020-05-16 05:41:08.812|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:41:08.813|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 261, ActiveRigidBodies: 4, CharacterRigidBodies: 1
2020-05-16 05:41:08.814|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:41:09.360|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:11.368|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:13.382|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:15.391|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:17.399|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:19.406|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:21.416|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:23.438|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:25.444|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:27.452|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:29.461|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:31.468|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:33.478|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:35.485|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:37.494|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:39.503|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:41.511|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:43.519|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:45.528|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:47.536|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:49.544|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:51.552|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:53.561|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:55.570|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:57.577|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:41:59.587|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:01.594|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:03.608|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:05.617|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:07.626|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:08.816|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:42:08.820|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 3,079,475,560 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.823|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,168,791,040 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.824|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 49
2020-05-16 05:42:08.824|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:42:08.824|Main Thread>    Entity count: 697
2020-05-16 05:42:08.824|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:42:08.824|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,168,791,040 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Working Set: 12,548,460,544 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,648,874,496 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,578,583,552 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,931,318,272 B
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 261, ActiveRigidBodies: 5, CharacterRigidBodies: 1
2020-05-16 05:42:08.825|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:42:09.634|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:11.642|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:13.651|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:15.659|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:17.668|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:19.675|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:21.684|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:23.692|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:25.700|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:27.703|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:29.705|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:29.705|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:29.705|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:29.717|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:29.723|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:29.723|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:30.413|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:30.413|Main Thread> Error: Block Block:StoneBrazier is missing physical shape!
2020-05-16 05:42:31.727|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:33.732|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:35.741|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:37.750|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:39.757|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:41.766|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:43.774|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:45.783|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:47.792|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:49.799|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:51.808|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:53.816|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:55.822|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:57.839|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:42:59.848|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:01.856|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:03.864|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:05.872|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:07.881|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:08.838|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:43:08.838|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,724,590,200 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,156,584,960 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 49
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Entity count: 700
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:43:08.839|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,156,584,960 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>       Working Set: 12,908,896,256 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,609,704,448 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,578,583,552 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,931,318,272 B
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 3, CharacterRigidBodies: 1
2020-05-16 05:43:08.840|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:43:09.889|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:11.898|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:13.906|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:15.914|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:17.923|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:19.931|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:21.939|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:23.947|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:25.957|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:27.965|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:28.418|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:43:29.973|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:31.982|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:33.990|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:35.998|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:38.006|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:40.015|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:42.024|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:44.032|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:45.772|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:43:46.040|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:48.049|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:50.057|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:52.065|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:54.073|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:56.082|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:43:58.090|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:00.098|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:02.111|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:04.127|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:04.847|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2020-05-16 05:44:06.136|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:08.144|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:08.844|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,765,287,888 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,151,768,064 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 46
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Entity count: 710
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:44:08.845|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,151,768,064 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Working Set: 12,637,491,200 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,598,792,704 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,578,583,552 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,931,318,272 B
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 5, CharacterRigidBodies: 1
2020-05-16 05:44:08.846|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:44:10.155|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:12.170|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:14.184|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:16.198|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:18.205|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:20.210|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:21.498|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:44:22.218|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:24.231|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:26.235|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:28.241|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:30.250|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:32.260|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:34.266|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:36.274|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:38.284|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:40.294|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:42.300|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:44.309|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:45.129|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:44:46.310|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:48.318|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:50.327|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:52.335|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:52.985|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestRed {01672801F67AE273}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestRed {01672801F67AE273}/MyCombatComponent.
2020-05-16 05:44:52.992|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2020-05-16 05:44:52.992|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:ClubStudded): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Mace.mwm
2020-05-16 05:44:54.337|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:56.352|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:44:58.366|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:00.376|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:02.385|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:04.389|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:05.365|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:45:06.408|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:08.421|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:08.857|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:45:08.857|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,793,464,808 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,221,977,600 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 46
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Entity count: 707
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:45:08.858|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,221,977,600 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Working Set: 11,137,179,648 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,636,803,584 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 263, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:45:08.859|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:45:10.429|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:12.437|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:14.453|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:16.471|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:18.482|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:20.493|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:21.694|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:45:22.509|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:22.777|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:45:24.519|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:26.522|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:28.525|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:30.530|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:32.538|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:34.178|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:45:34.546|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:36.554|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:38.562|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:40.565|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:42.581|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:44.590|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:46.599|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:48.607|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:50.615|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:52.623|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:54.631|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:56.640|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:45:58.648|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:00.663|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:02.671|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:04.680|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:06.687|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:08.695|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:08.866|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:46:08.867|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,839,999,312 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,226,143,232 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Entity count: 707
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:46:08.868|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,226,143,232 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Working Set: 10,607,308,800 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,649,189,888 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 6, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:46:08.869|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:46:10.708|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:12.712|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:14.726|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:15.345|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:46:16.735|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:18.743|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:19.781|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:46:20.751|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:22.760|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:24.768|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:26.776|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:28.785|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:30.794|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:32.802|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:34.810|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:36.818|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:38.827|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:40.836|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:42.843|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:44.857|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:46.861|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:48.869|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:50.876|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:52.884|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:54.894|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:56.902|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:46:58.910|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:00.919|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:02.927|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:04.935|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:06.944|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:08.872|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:47:08.872|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,770,925,568 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,222,686,208 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Entity count: 708
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:47:08.873|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,222,686,208 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Working Set: 10,605,129,728 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,645,126,656 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 265, ActiveRigidBodies: 10, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:47:08.874|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:47:08.952|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:10.960|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:12.969|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:14.977|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:16.986|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:18.994|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:21.002|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:23.010|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:25.019|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:27.028|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:29.035|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:31.043|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:33.053|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:35.061|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:37.072|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:38.679|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:47:39.080|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:41.089|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:43.097|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:45.107|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:47.119|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:49.129|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:51.135|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:53.144|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:55.153|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:57.161|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:47:59.169|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:01.178|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:03.186|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:05.194|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:07.202|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:08.879|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:48:08.879|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,741,778,976 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,225,774,592 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 46
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Entity count: 711
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:48:08.880|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,225,774,592 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Working Set: 10,612,772,864 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,649,320,960 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 268, ActiveRigidBodies: 13, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:48:08.881|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:48:09.212|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:11.219|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:13.228|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:15.237|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:17.244|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:19.252|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:21.261|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:23.269|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:25.278|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:27.286|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:29.295|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:31.303|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:33.311|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:35.320|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:37.328|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:39.337|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:41.345|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:43.353|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:45.362|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:47.371|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:48.876|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:48:49.378|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:51.388|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:53.395|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:55.404|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:57.411|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:48:59.420|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:01.428|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:03.253|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:49:03.437|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:05.445|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:07.453|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:08.896|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:49:08.896|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,774,541,848 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,221,670,400 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Entity count: 705
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:49:08.897|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,221,670,400 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Working Set: 10,550,874,112 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,640,932,352 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:49:08.898|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:49:09.462|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:11.470|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:13.479|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:15.487|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:17.496|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:19.504|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:21.512|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:23.521|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:25.529|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:27.537|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:29.546|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:31.554|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:33.562|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:35.571|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:37.579|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:39.185|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:49:39.588|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:41.595|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:43.605|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:45.632|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:47.638|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:48.374|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:49:49.646|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:51.654|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:53.663|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:55.671|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:57.680|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:49:59.688|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:01.696|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:03.705|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:05.713|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:07.723|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:08.914|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:50:08.914|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,738,622,872 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,224,455,680 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Entity count: 705
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:50:08.915|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,224,455,680 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Working Set: 9,137,049,600 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,641,063,424 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:50:08.916|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:50:09.732|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:11.740|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:13.748|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:15.757|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:17.765|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:19.774|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:21.783|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:23.791|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:25.799|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:27.810|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:29.815|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:31.816|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:33.819|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:35.828|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:37.836|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:39.844|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:41.853|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:43.861|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:45.870|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:47.878|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:49.886|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:51.894|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:53.903|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:55.911|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:57.920|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:50:59.928|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:01.937|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:03.944|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:05.954|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:07.962|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:08.917|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:51:08.918|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,742,080,800 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,233,180,160 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Entity count: 705
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,233,180,160 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>       Working Set: 8,823,926,784 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,649,452,032 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.919|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 262, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:51:08.920|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:51:09.974|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:11.984|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:13.985|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:16.001|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:18.003|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:20.012|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:22.020|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:24.028|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:26.037|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:28.045|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:30.054|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:32.062|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:34.071|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:36.079|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:38.087|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:40.092|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:42.100|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:44.103|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:46.113|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:48.119|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:50.128|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:52.136|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:54.144|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:56.153|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:51:58.162|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:00.170|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:02.179|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:04.187|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:06.196|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:08.204|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:08.926|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:52:08.927|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,737,150,568 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,236,821,504 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Entity count: 706
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,236,821,504 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Working Set: 8,826,433,536 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,649,452,032 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:52:08.928|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:52:08.933|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 261, ActiveRigidBodies: 6, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:52:08.933|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:52:10.213|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:12.222|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:14.229|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:16.237|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:18.246|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:20.257|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:22.273|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:24.276|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:26.289|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:28.298|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:30.305|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:32.315|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:34.322|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:36.331|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:38.191|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:52:38.341|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:40.345|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:42.353|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:44.361|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:46.369|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:48.377|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:50.389|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:52.398|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:54.406|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:55.025|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:52:56.420|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:52:58.423|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:00.432|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:02.438|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:04.444|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:06.452|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:08.461|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:08.949|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:53:08.949|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,734,441,144 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,248,331,264 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 46
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Entity count: 703
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,248,331,264 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.950|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,908,155,392 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,665,115,136 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 260, ActiveRigidBodies: 6, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:53:08.951|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:53:10.469|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:12.477|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:14.485|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:16.494|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:18.502|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:20.510|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:22.518|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:24.528|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:26.536|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:28.545|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:30.553|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:32.561|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:34.569|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:36.577|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:38.591|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:40.242|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:53:40.607|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:42.622|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:44.631|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:46.643|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:48.655|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:50.662|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:52.671|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:54.679|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:56.688|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:53:58.695|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:00.704|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:02.712|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:03.248|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:54:04.720|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:06.736|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:08.738|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:08.889|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:54:08.960|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:54:08.961|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,782,424,736 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,331,287,552 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.02
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Entity count: 707
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,331,287,552 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,932,063,744 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,738,974,208 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.962|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 259, ActiveRigidBodies: 5, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:54:08.963|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:54:10.743|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:12.752|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:14.759|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:16.772|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:18.780|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:20.789|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:22.647|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:54:22.798|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:22.998|Main Thread> Error: Dictionary mapping controlled entity to identity is inconsistent between server and client.
2020-05-16 05:54:24.807|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:26.814|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:28.823|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:30.832|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:32.841|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:33.597|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:ShovelIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\IronShovel.mwm
2020-05-16 05:54:34.855|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:36.864|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:38.873|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:40.880|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:42.889|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:44.897|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:46.905|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:48.914|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:50.922|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:52.930|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:54.939|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:56.951|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:54:58.966|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:00.982|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:02.990|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:04.999|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:07.006|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:08.968|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:55:08.968|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,744,143,704 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,271,821,824 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Entity count: 710
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:55:08.969|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,271,821,824 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,633,473,536 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,721,410,560 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 260, ActiveRigidBodies: 6, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:55:08.970|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:55:09.016|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:11.024|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:13.032|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:15.040|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:17.049|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:19.057|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:20.113|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:AxeIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Axe_OneHand.mwm
2020-05-16 05:55:21.066|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:23.074|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:25.083|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:27.091|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:29.099|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:31.105|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:33.106|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:35.113|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:37.120|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:39.129|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:41.142|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:43.150|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:45.159|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:47.167|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:49.175|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:51.184|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:53.192|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:55.201|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:57.209|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:55:59.217|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:01.225|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:03.233|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:05.242|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:07.251|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:08.977|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:56:08.977|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,770,199,952 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,360,217,600 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Entity count: 711
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,360,217,600 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,679,131,648 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,783,141,376 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.978|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:56:08.979|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.979|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.979|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:56:08.979|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:56:08.980|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 271, ActiveRigidBodies: 5, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:56:08.980|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:56:09.258|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:11.267|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:13.275|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:15.284|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:17.292|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:19.301|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:21.310|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:23.318|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:25.326|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:27.334|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:29.342|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:31.350|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:33.360|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:35.367|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:37.376|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:39.385|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:41.392|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:43.401|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:45.409|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:47.418|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:49.427|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:51.435|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:53.443|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:55.451|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:57.460|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:56:59.469|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:01.476|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:03.484|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:05.493|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:07.504|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:08.996|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2020-05-16 05:57:08.997|Main Thread>    Managed Memory: 2,761,407,160 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Private Memory: 18,391,228,416 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Nr of Threads: 45
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Simulation Speed: 1.00
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Entity count: 680
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Player count: 5
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Current:
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 18,391,228,416 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Working Set: 7,655,555,072 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 23,815,696,384 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>    Peak:
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Paged Memory: 19,891,941,376 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Working Set: 13,669,236,736 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.998|Main Thread>       Virtual Memory: 25,313,148,928 B
2020-05-16 05:57:08.999|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2020-05-16 05:57:08.999|Main Thread>    0) RigidBodies: 243, ActiveRigidBodies: 5, CharacterRigidBodies: 2
2020-05-16 05:57:08.999|Main Thread>    0) Constraints: 8
2020-05-16 05:57:09.513|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:11.521|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:13.530|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:15.538|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:17.546|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:19.554|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:21.563|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:23.572|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:25.580|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:27.588|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:29.597|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:31.605|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:33.614|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:35.622|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:37.631|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:39.639|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:41.647|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:43.655|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:45.664|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:47.671|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:49.681|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:51.689|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:53.697|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:55.705|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:57.713|Main Thread> Failed to get server rules: Address =, Name = 'ME Ocean LAND Vikings 24/7'
2020-05-16 05:57:58.740|Main Thread> Error: Attempt to split a client group that was already closed.

=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at VRage.Scene.EntityId.VRage.Scene.IMyObjectIdentifier.TryGetObject(Object scene, Object& instance)
   at VRage.Scene.MyGroupSynchronizationExtensions.RemoveEntityClient(MyGroup self, TypeId interfaceType, IMyObjectIdentifier entityId)
   at lambda_method(Closure , MyGroup , TypeId , IMyObjectIdentifier , DBNull , DBNull , DBNull , DBNull )
   at VRage.Network.CallSite`7.Invoke(BitStream stream, Object obj, Boolean validate)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.Invoke(CallSite callSite, BitStream stream, Object obj, EndpointId source, MyClientStateBase clientState, Boolean validate)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationClient.ProcessEvent(BitStream stream, CallSite site, Object obj, IMyNetObject sendAs, EndpointId source)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.ProcessEvent(BitStream stream, NetworkId networkId, NetworkId blockedNetId, UInt32 eventId, EndpointId sender)
   at VRage.Replication.MyEventsBuffer.ProcessFirstEvent(HashSet`1 targetObjectIds, MyObjectEventsBuffer eventsBuffer, NetworkId targetObjectId, NetworkId caller)
   at VRage.Replication.MyEventsBuffer.ProcessEvents(HashSet`1 targetObjectIds, NetworkId caller)
   at VRage.Replication.MyEventsBuffer.ProcessFirstEvent(HashSet`1 targetObjectIds, MyObjectEventsBuffer eventsBuffer, NetworkId targetObjectId, NetworkId caller)
   at VRage.Replication.MyEventsBuffer.ProcessEvents(HashSet`1 targetObjectIds, NetworkId caller)
   at VRage.Replication.MyReplicableStreamingReceiver.OnReplicablesAddedToScene(DictionaryReader`2 replicableLoadResults)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Multiplayer.MyClientSceneLoader.VRage.Scene.ISceneLoadListener.OnAddedToScene()
   at VRage.Scene.MySceneExtensions.MySceneLoadWork.Completed()
   at VRage.ParallelWorkers.Workers.RunCallbacks()
   at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
   at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
   at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
   at Medieval.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2020-05-16 05:57:58.764|Main Thread> Log Closed
MedievalEngineers.log (302,553 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-04-18 10:18 offron New Issue
2022-04-18 10:18 offron File Added: MedievalEngineers.log