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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000543Medieval EngineersBugpublic2025-01-27 17:15
Reporterdis0nored Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000543: Poor Performance on High end Gaming Rig, see description

This January i've upgraded my gaming rig since 10 years ago. Now I'm moving forward with Windows 11 64bit. Physical Ram is 32gb as a standard now. Graphics Card supplies 16gb VRam and now i have ME on a internal SSD with 4tb in size and it has it's own heatsink. So it's a pretty solid machine which should technially run this game fine however I've hit 10 to 15 fps max whilst making the game's graphics settings "decent" and having the textures clear and trees visible properly in the distance. That really hit the performance. I've just came across ME community edition, seems like Keen House handed it over to the community for some reason and they won't bring it forward, so i guess we'll have to make it work.

Steps To Reproduce

Go into the graphics section and max it out basically.

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2025-01-27 17:15

administrator   #~0000437

Scene complexity makes a huge difference in how well ME performs. If you have a really complicated build with a ton of blocks it tends to perform worse.
If you want to send me a save file, I can look at it, but definitely no promises -- I don't have a ton of time anymore. Probably upload somewhere else and post a link here, check the private box if you don't want to publicly share the save.

If a near empty scene performs at 10-15fps that would be very shocking to me. There are two settings that might contribute to that, Extreme voxel and model quality. Both are rarely playable, and I'd suggest not putting those above High unless you're trying to take a screenshot.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-27 17:05 dis0nored New Issue
2025-01-27 17:15 equinox Note Added: 0000437