View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000363Medieval EngineersEnhancementpublic2024-02-18 21:49
Reporterequinox Assigned Toequinox  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target Version0.7.4.3BB0F4Fixed in Version0.7.4.3BB0F4 
Summary0000363: Grass should use an approximated self-shadowing model

Grass currently doesn't self shadow, causing dense grass fields to look too bright. We should consider adding a simple self-shadowing model where the base of grass becomes darker as the density of the grass field increases.

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2024-01-25 01:22

administrator   #~0000413

dark bases contrast highly when they are next to the voxel texture, which doesn't respect the grass shadowing.
Probably set the default back to off, or alternatively only use the self shadowing when the grass is perpendicular to the view vector.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-07-23 18:44 equinox New Issue
2022-07-23 18:44 equinox Status new => assigned
2022-07-23 18:44 equinox Assigned To => equinox
2022-09-03 15:13 equinox Status assigned => in progress
2022-09-04 22:45 equinox Status in progress => resolved
2022-09-04 22:45 equinox Resolution open => fixed
2022-09-04 22:45 equinox Fixed in Version =>
2024-01-25 01:22 equinox Status resolved => in progress
2024-01-25 01:22 equinox Note Added: 0000413
2024-02-18 21:49 equinox Status in progress => resolved