View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000033Medieval EngineersEnhancementpublic2022-09-08 08:22
ReporterJohnbeere Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.7.2 
Target Version0.8 (unreleased) 
Summary0000033: Bush collision is annoying

Bushes will stop any vehicles dead when hit. A tweak mod already exists to fix this:

Two fixes would be:

  1. Remove the collision entirely. You would just go through them easily.

  2. Make them break when hit and not stop or damage the vehicle so that they don't stop you.

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related to 0000077 assignedequinox Allow cuttable environment items to customize the required energy  



2022-08-25 23:46

administrator   #~0000323

Pushing back to 0.8.0 due to making bushes breakable or making them slow the player/grids down is actually pretty scary. And the simple solution of just removing the colliders is a simple and existing mod.


2022-09-08 08:22

reporter   #~0000336

Breaking bushes with vehicles makes sense.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-09-24 12:49 Johnbeere New Issue
2020-10-18 02:58 equinox Target Version =>
2022-08-25 23:44 equinox Relationship added related to 0000077
2022-08-25 23:46 equinox Target Version => 0.8 (unreleased)
2022-08-25 23:46 equinox Note Added: 0000323
2022-09-08 08:22 aeolipila Note Added: 0000336