Rendering, loading, and game performance improvements.

0000525: [Bug] Occasional freeze during voxel generation (equinox)
0000522: [Bug] Infinite persistence waiters wait forever if the chunk request expires (equinox)
0000452: [Bug] Physics constraint state group exceeds MTU for complex contraptions (equinox)
0000056: [Enhancement] Use local mods to fulfill workshop dependencies (cpttwinkie)
0000363: [Enhancement] Grass should use an approximated self-shadowing model (equinox)
0000509: [Bug] Crafting block can cause game freezes when it hasn't been loaded in a long time (equinox)
0000510: [Bug] Crafting components with mechanical power don't catch up (equinox)
0000495: [Bug] Interaction with blocks using sphere and capsule collision only on center point/line (equinox)
0000504: [Feature Request] Max blueprint size in survival (equinox)
0000369: [Enhancement] Instancing of glass in static models (equinox)
0000487: [Bug] Fresnel model for static glass is incorrect (equinox)
0000486: [Bug] Fresnel strength not propagated to renderer (equinox)
0000485: [Bug] Object loader occassionally gets stuck and never loads any new objects (equinox)
0000488: [Bug] Build ghosts are no longer translucent in some cases (equinox)
0000484: [Bug] Steam natives out of date (equinox)
0000481: [Bug] Plowing desynchronizes for every client that doesn't have the plow block loaded (equinox)
0000478: [Bug] MyAPIGateway.Parallel stays null after reloading (equinox)
0000415: [Enhancement] Whitelist improvements for 0.7.4 (equinox)
0000471: [Enhancement] Surface RpcMismatchException when joining servers (equinox)
0000467: [Bug] PhantomEffectComponent can crash when a lot of entities are moving nearby (equinox)
0000466: [Bug] Stat and effect enumeration allocates (equinox)
0000435: [Bug] Claim block spawns are lost for unloaded grids on world reloads (equinox)
0000461: [Bug] Crafting component doesn't unregister from batcher when unloaded (equinox)
0000463: [Bug] Detected entity close subscribed with anonymous delegate that can't get cleaned up (equinox)
0000468: [Bug] Voxel storage doesn't acquire lock when saving (equinox)
0000197: [Security] Include family shared steam accounts into user blacklisting for servers (equinox)
0000460: [Bug] Multi-scheduled updates may be orphaned when entity is removed from scene (equinox)
0000464: [Enhancement] Null renderer doesn't return render messages to pool (equinox)
0000465: [Bug] Scheduler allocates during equality comparison of fixed updates (equinox)
0000394: [Enhancement] Compress voxel maps async during MP join and saving (equinox)
0000459: [Bug] Player camera persistence viewers don't get cleaned up (equinox)
0000172: [Bug] Trash settings aren't saved (equinox)
0000420: [Enhancement] Loading time improvements (equinox)
       0000445: [Enhancement] Load all render assets needed by a single frame in parallel (equinox)
       0000378: [Enhancement] Cache mountpoint tests (equinox)
       0000309: [Enhancement] Cache mass properties of physical models (equinox)
       0000423: [Enhancement] Build grid physics shape in parallel (equinox)
       0000421: [Enhancement] Load all assets required by the main thread in parallel (equinox)
0000101: [Bug] Modding: Merge="Merge" does not work with crafting recipes (equinox)
0000436: [Bug] Group closures become inconsistent (equinox)
0000444: [Bug] Rocks_moss far texture is scaled poorly, and looks repetitive (equinox)
0000407: [Bug] Deleting parts crash (equinox)
0000178: [Feature Request] Adding custom dummy size/scale support to the PhantomComponentDefinition (equinox)
0000450: [Bug] Stumps don't delete environment items after reloading the environment sector (equinox)
0000456: [Bug] Claim ownership tooltip doesn't disappear (equinox)
0000454: [Bug] Audio FX on blocks don't get correct velocity, causing the doppler effect to not apply (equinox)
0000455: [Enhancement] Allow recentering camera when 3rd person is disabled (equinox)
0000453: [Bug] Assembly UUID is appended to mod storage directories (equinox)
0000254: [Enhancement] Improve grass model generation performance (equinox)
0000232: [Bug] Pinned tool goes missing upon joining server if it's on multiple bars (equinox)
0000106: [Enhancement] Allowing change of font in SignpostComponent (equinox)
0000192: [Bug] No typing cursor in search bar (equinox)
0000417: [Bug] Fix Game Analytics (equinox)
0000348: [Bug] Ore pentupling in bronze smelting recipe (equinox)
0000346: [Bug] Severe imbalance of ore dust bags masses. (equinox)
0000367: [Bug] Transparent materials tiling does not work (equinox)
0000434: [Enhancement] Support multiple button rows in SliderController (equinox)
0000433: [Bug] SliderController doesn't update the button controller (equinox)
0000112: [Bug] BrokenItem not working with TimedDurabilityBehaviorDefinition for durable items (equinox)
0000103: [Enhancement] [DS] remove logging/loading from non-existant textures (equinox)
0000179: [Bug] Loud Crafting noise when Shift+Double clicking (equinox)
0000379: [Enhancement] Filtering toolbar to available blocks is expensive when there are a lot of block variants (equinox)
0000117: [Bug] Crash when indexing variants in MyGridPickupComponent (equinox)
0000281: [Enhancement] Text not between tags (equinox)
0000317: [Enhancement] Warn when exceeding MTU/MTR limits on RPC events (equinox)
0000432: [Enhancement] Increase maximum packet size when sending the world to clients (equinox)
0000409: [Bug] Expired Claimblocks provide spawn option for everyone (equinox)
0000123: [Enhancement] Environment rendering performance (equinox)
       0000380: [Enhancement] Configure max view distances for bushes and ground decor (equinox)
       0000376: [Enhancement] Min pixel size culling (equinox)
0000419: [Bug] Rare deadlock when ExecuteOrWait is used (equinox)
0000410: [Bug] Texture issues on palm tree LODs (equinox)
0000116: [Bug] Model attachments inconsistently use the old render pipeline when loading (equinox)
0000115: [Bug] Color mask doesn't work with non-grid, new pipeline render entities (equinox)
0000416: [Bug] AddRuntimeModel render message not properly reset (equinox)
0000315: [Bug] Allow limiting wardrobes and respawn to specific character lists (cpttwinkie)
0000383: [Enhancement] Respect extreme model quality (equinox)
0000371: [Enhancement] Don't recompute atmosphere transmittance every frame (equinox)
0000364: [Enhancement] Reduce alpha masking overdraw due to ill fitting grass quads (equinox)
0000218: [Enhancement] Use memcpy/memset for MyVoxelData operations (equinox)
0000308: [Enhancement] Reduce GC pressure from boxing and collection resizing (equinox)
0000483: [Enhancement] HkGeometry shouldn't capture an allocation stack trace every time its used (equinox)
0000469: [Bug] Session save doesn't wait for background persistence to finish (equinox)
0000120: [Bug] Crash when infinite persistence view component moves (equinox)
84 of 84 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%). View Issues

backlogged for a patch release

0000511: [Enhancement] Add small per-instance randomization of grass colors
0000500: [Enhancement] Expand XML error logging to point to the .sbc file
0000501: [Bug] Starting inventory items in scenario definitions not working
0000497: [Bug] Tree LOD has wrong/missing textures
0000476: [Enhancement] Blueprints sometimes can't be published when the thumbnail is too big
0000475: [Bug] Rope drum settings screen doesn't synchronize removal
0000480: [Bug] Crash during MyDamageOverTImeEffect.Activate
0000492: [Enhancement] Better MyInputContext.ActionEvent.AnalogValue computation
0000496: [Feature Request] randomised ore thickness
0000490: [Bug] State group based components get replicated twice
0000489: [Bug] Block entities are double replicated
0000482: [Enhancement] Add non-boxing variant of Physics.CastRay
0000477: [Bug] Planet environment component streams entire vegetation state to all clients
0000479: [Enhancement] Environment item storage should use custom serialization
0000457: [Enhancement] Add entity attachment flag to disable the attachment on dedicated servers
0 of 15 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues

backlogged for a minor release

0000134: [Enhancement] Improve Runtime Model Modding Support
0000493: [Enhancement] Support lightweight visual inventory
0000310: [Enhancement] Improve mass properties calculation for havok shapes
0000046: [Bug] Grids become invisible in MP
0000036: [Bug] [DS] Loads of Errors While Taking Backups on Shutdown
0000443: [Bug] Stumps aren't rendered using the environment item system and are entities instead - problems with regrowing
0000448: [Feature Request] Support ore deposits at constant elevation instead of constant depth
0000306: [Feature Request] Allow compounding dummies to be sbc-definied to allow vanilla small block compounding without model changes
0000231: [Bug] Game sometimes resets player height on load
0000370: [Bug] Roof Battlement Compound Build Issue
0000228: [Bug] Merge Rules for Kilns
0000403: [Enhancement] Mining particles cause lag and cannot be disabled
0000227: [Bug] Work direction of locking catch block incorrect when connecting subparts of two opposite ones
0000387: [Bug] Fall death on login in dug out area
0000406: [Enhancement] Food bonus effect last shorter than it takes to get hungry again
0000427: [Bug] Barbarians won't cross drawbridge
0000441: [Bug] Landscape stake does not work
0000442: [Bug] Mistake in generated blocks definition
0000446: [Bug] Terrain damage regenerates in unloaded chunks
0000438: [Bug] VSync Does Not Respect Settings in MedievalEngineers.cfg
0000395: [Feature Request] Moddable/adjustable aiming sway
0000426: [Feature Request] Confirmation prompt for banning players
0000425: [Feature Request] Baking terrain and reuploading it as base world to reduce voxel changes
0000390: [Bug] Server is experiencing cyclic local sim speed drops to approx 50% approx every 3 minutes
0000316: [Feature Request] [Modding] Add research quest option for playable characters
0000229: [Bug] Unfinished wall with door considers doors to BE THERE
0000437: [Enhancement] Retain the last 10 log files
0000356: [Bug] Fracture pieces disappearing after a second
0000217: [Enhancement] Don't keep HKT in memory unless required
0000043: [Bug] Uploaded blueprints often don't show up in the workshop blueprints menu.
0000412: [Bug] MEDS GUI Allowed Blueprint Locations does not get propulated on loadup of the GUI
0000076: [Bug] Null scene when synchronizing groups
0000273: [Enhancement] Make dead bodies pull-able/pick-up-able
0000133: [Enhancement] Add dedicated key binding to switch chat modes
0000373: [Enhancement] Enable Page Up, Page Down, Home & End keys for Menu Navigation
0000032: [Bug] 1x1x1 Round timber collision is 90 degrees off.
0000196: [Bug] Log Wall with Shutters bug
0000296: [Bug] Mill Stone or Furnace Placement Issue on Wooden Floors
0000170: [Bug] Cart Bug (old bug)
0000041: [Bug] Research Quest "Transportation" Does Not Continue in Survival
0000368: [Feature Request] spawn barbarians as admins
0000182: [Bug] Player walks in place when standing on plank surface
0000264: [Bug] Windmill keeps spinning when detached
0000337: [Bug] Menu music plays twice when returning from world to main menu
0000091: [Bug] Constructing on a survival server world does not require resources after reconnecting with creative tools enabled
0000008: [Bug] Servers loading older saves on restart
0000066: [Bug] Certain blocks don't work together
0000360: [Bug] Palisade Gate Explodes when Barbarian Dies and Glitches into it
0000272: [Bug] using a touchpad breaks any action that uses a scroll wheel key bind
0000233: [Bug] Barbarians (and deer) immune against projectiles/falling objects
0000206: [Enhancement] Projectile Removal
0000377: [Enhancement] Extend small object culling to merge instancing
0000253: [Bug] Barbarians Attack Through Closed Gate
0000164: [Bug] Quest text windows only refresh after clicking on the quest a second time
0000142: [Feature Request] Add a Direct Connect button in the server browser
0000111: [Enhancement] Add compatibility for non-character model materials for MaterialsDisabledIn1st
0000257: [Bug] Cannot place diagonal palisades
0000177: [Feature Request] Searchable MasterMenu materials etc (Shift-F10)
0000335: [Enhancement] Show mod name in G menu
0000324: [Enhancement] Changing signs to accept multi-line input
0000110: [Bug] EquippedTransform & EquippedTransformFps within EquipmentItemDefinition not working properly
0000213: [Bug] Rope drums and Lockable rope drums cause occasional sharp pulls instead of smooth movement
0000064: [Bug] Yellow Space Engineers selector will occasionally show up
0000176: [Feature Request] Craftable with available materials
0000318: [Bug] Barbarian identities being generated but never removed
0000235: [Bug] Collectibles (especially plants) keep highlighted
0000274: [Security] Secure servers with passwords
0000331: [Bug] Highlight (and so harvest) bushes for sticks inconsistent
0000299: [Bug] SmallToGrid component groups aren't synchronized
0000075: [Feature Request] Provide new scriptable physics shape API
0000384: [Enhancement] Respect new LOD settings for grids and environment
0000125: [Enhancement] Improve Particle Effect Culling
0000393: [Enhancement] Support geometry texture arrays via instance settings when merge instancing (equinox)
0000418: [Enhancement] Cache compiled script assemblies (equinox)
0000431: [Feature Request] Add game option to disable preloading of textures and models (equinox)
0000136: [Bug] Character gets stuck in crossbow reload animation when the crossbow breaks (cpttwinkie)
0000234: [Bug] Barbarians and deer drop from the sky when spawning (+ no fall damage?) (cpttwinkie)
0000329: [Bug] Unable to remove safe area (cpttwinkie)
0000424: [Enhancement] ModAPI hook for controlling the growth rate and growth transitions based on world position/time/biome (equinox)
0000381: [Enhancement] Apply max distance filters during environment sector item generation (equinox)
0 of 80 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues

backlogged for a major release

0000366: [Bug] Incorrect textures
0000374: [Enhancement] Support decals on grids
0000266: [Bug] Grids occasionally vanish when loading chunks
0000382: [Bug] Incorrect models
       0000156: [Enhancement] That one "Neon Green" Foliage
0000352: [Enhancement] Consider removing local coordinate systems
0000243: [Bug] Attachment physics cause bugged grid movement when dynamic
0000150: [Bug] Input processor swallows unregistered shortcuts
0000033: [Enhancement] Bush collision is annoying
0000392: [Feature Request] Sound font backed MIDI playback for mods
0000385: [Bug] Environment items don't maintain position through LOD switches
0000080: [Enhancement] Rope Instancing (equinox)
       0000113: [Feature Request] Allow multiple rope materials
0000411: [Feature Request] Implement SMAA to reduce flickering on alpha masked objects and improve clarity (equinox)
0000077: [Feature Request] Allow cuttable environment items to customize the required energy (equinox)
0 of 15 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues

Tickets that need further discussion and scoping before they will (possibly) be assigned to a specific release.

0000166: [Feature Request] more animals
0000494: [Task] Invalid transparent materials are ignored instead of rendering an error material
0000031: [Bug] Vanilla catch blocks are too weak.
0000342: [Bug] Missing block variation for half timber wall slope
0000361: [Enhancement] Log Pillars Need Additional Build State
0000398: [Feature Request] Peasants NPCs
0000405: [Feature Request] There are no Ladders on the game
0000428: [Feature Request] More interactable blocks with physics
0000429: [Feature Request] Modular torsion spring
0000439: [Bug] Disconnecting rope from landscape stake doesn't give rope back
0000408: [Feature Request] Introducing biome dependence to crop growth
0000159: [Enhancement] More visible blocks when building at night
0000372: [Task] Performance Testing
0000055: [Bug] Pasted grids are static when missing mods.
0000029: [Bug] Switching from an empty hand to a tool has bad animation
0000067: [Bug] Generated Blocks Issue
0000205: [Enhancement] Allow compounding stone walls with full-block small stone arch
0000190: [Enhancement] Log Wall should have more HP than Plank Wall
0000351: [Enhancement] Small grid block construction doesn't respect component list
0000162: [Feature Request] Retrieve rope from anywhere
0000328: [Bug] Remote client doesn't display command responses
0000099: [Enhancement] Pointer based methods should be converted to Span
0000167: [Feature Request] Sitting!
0000365: [Feature Request] Enemy NPC Overhaul
0000248: [Bug] Unable to cook more than 3 items
0000312: [Feature Request] Automatic Restart Time
0000062: [Enhancement] Update main menu videos
0000223: [Enhancement] Allow change ofdoor opening direction.
0000259: [Feature Request] Item disposal (e.g. trash can), further recycling
0000191: [Enhancement] Faster door opening
0000236: [Enhancement] Allow full rotation to slope walls
0000200: [Bug] Atacked by barbariians on safe location
0000297: [Enhancement] Make "Show interaction hints" > "Icons and Text" the default
0000258: [Bug] Still need to crouch to climb stairs through floor latch
0000256: [Enhancement] Non lockable Rope drum also having rope lenghts
0000251: [Feature Request] Grabbable block
0000252: [Feature Request] Pulleys
0000004: [Feature Request] Make doors into an frame with inventory component for the door itself
0000005: [Feature Request] Improve Claim system to support connected claims
0000006: [Feature Request] Tie claim system into a war system
0000295: [Feature Request] Notes/Writable Books
0000240: [Feature Request] Component system for items
0000294: [Feature Request] Paintings on the wall
0000293: [Feature Request] Potted plants
0000239: [Feature Request] POI System
0000168: [Feature Request] Sleeping!
0000226: [Feature Request] Back reaction torque for rope drums
0000222: [Feature Request] Advanced Combat
0000215: [Feature Request] possibility to change the order in the crafting queue
0000209: [Enhancement] Allow Structural Integrity overlay in Survival
0000169: [Feature Request] Fence gates
0000187: [Enhancement] Audit logging describing user actions
0000180: [Feature Request] Allow windmill to provide actual rotational force
0000161: [Enhancement] Allow filling in land beneath the player
0000155: [Enhancement] The Loading screens
0000160: [Enhancement] Land filling visual feedback
0000158: [Feature Request] Add highlight to plantables
0000038: [Feature Request] Make The Rename Button in the Savegame Menu Great Again
0000045: [Enhancement] Chat doesn't show previously written text when you backspace.
0000069: [Enhancement] Show weight of blocks in menu and the panel that appears on the right when placing blocks.
0000084: [Enhancement] Remote client: always load current session's chat log history when logging in
0 of 61 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues